Lawyer defends escort biz

lawyer-defends-escort-bizThe lawyer for an ex-firefighter charged with moonlighting as a pimp is arguing running an escort agency is a service fully sanctioned by the city.

Defence lawyer Pat Fagan has asked the court for a stay of charges against his client, the accused who faces 15 charges in connection with allegations he was pimping for prostitutes while running an escort agency.

“He shouldn’t be charged with any offences – the City of Calgary has legitimized the sex trade in the city,” said Fagan outside court.

“To be an escort, you have to be licensed, and you pay a fee for that licence; you cant’ be an escort unless you are approved and licensed by the City of Calgary.”

The issue is now the subject of a voir dire – sometimes referred to as trial within a trial – which allows the judge to consider issues separately from the main court case.

The accused was allegedly forced to resign from the fire department after being charged with living on the avails of prostitution, as well as procuring, directing the movements of prostitutes and keeping a common bawdy house.

In court, vice Det. Gordon McCulloch provided a stack of paperwork which he said was linked to the accused alleged pimping business, including ledgers with the names of clients, women, durations of sessions and costs.

As well, McCulloch produced papers outlining the price of various services, including a two hour relaxation special, which for $400, offered a shower, massage, drinks and play time, as well as a couples special, which cost $600.

The charges stem from raids which took place three years ago this month, in which a 15-year-old girl was among the people apprehended. The accused later resigned from the fire department and apologized for any embarrassment the incident caused.