Regina v. S.S.S. [Court of Queen’s Bench – May 1, 2015]

SSS was charged with sexually assaulting his estranged common law wife. The assault was alleged to have occurred in the bedroom of SSS at his condo after a dinner party. The events giving rise to the criminal prosecution are somewhat convoluted but they go something like this: 1) sexual activity including intercourse transpired in the bedroom, 2) the sexual activity was captured on a home movie, 3) the roommate of SSS overheard some shouting and called the police, 4) the …

Regina v. E.W.L. [Provincial Court – February 2015]

EWL was a married middle aged man with no prior history of adverse involvement with the police. A disgruntled female co-worker accused EWL of touching her breasts on two separate occasions. On one of those occasions, according to the alleged victim, a second female employee was standing right beside them and witnessed the entire event. As part of the police investigation they conducted an indepth interview of the eye witness. Well . . . this person told the police that …

Regina v. V.P.J. [Provincial Court – January 2015]

VPJ was an elderly gentleman and proprietor of an establishment that was somewhat notorious for persons of ill-repute. VPJ became involved in a heated dispute with one of his female residential tenants over a substantial unpaid hotel bill. Well, the female tenant absconded without paying the bill and accused VPJ of touching her 10 year old daughter (over her clothing) during the course of their lengthy stay at his establishment. VPJ, a grandfather with no prior criminal convictions, was arrested …